
The Middle Age: Volume 1 - Hardcover Collection

Created by Steve Conley

A campaign to bring the acclaimed fantasy webcomic THE MIDDLE AGE to print as a beautiful, hardcover book!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys going out soon!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 07:06:00 PM

I just signed up with Backerkit (they make fulfilling a Kickstarter campaign easier) and you'll be receiving the survey from them within the next few days. Originally I was going to use Kickstarter's built-in survey system but with 471 pledges <3 <3 <3 I needed some help!

The survey will ask for your shipping information and other details particular to your pledge. There should also be a way to let you order extra items if you decide you'd like another copy of the book or an extra t-shirt.

The production preparation is going really well and I've begun writing the new, original Waddlebottom story. It's very silly! :) I'll share some of the work-in-progress in backer-only posts here as it comes together.

Thank you again for your tremendous support! If you haven't checked out my Patreon page yet, I've just made a new downloadable The Middle Age sketchbook available to supporters there. You can download The Middle Age Sketchbook: No. 2 and EIGHT additional PDF editions (more than 350 pages) for just $5.

Thank you again for your tremendous support!

-- Steve

over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 03:23:14 AM

I’m stunned by the tremendous response.

Thank you so much for believing in this project and in me. I’m really excited to be creating these books and other goodies for you.

If you’re reading this and missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, you can pre-order individual copies of the hardcover book here:

The next steps...

In the next week or so, surveys will be sent out and backers will be asked for details about their order and shipping information.

It takes Kickstarter a week or two to collect the funds and get them my way. While we wait, I’ll be prepping art and other production files. As pieces come together, I’ll be sharing updates here on Kickstarter. I’ll try not to be a pest with updates. :)

As always, you can keep up with the latest webcomic episodes of The Middle Age here:

And if you’re looking for other ways to support me and The Middle Age, please check out my page on Patreon at:

Thank you again! <3 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments.

— Steve

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 10:09:09 AM

The campaign reached its goal in less than 48 hours! I'm floored by the outpouring of support and generosity.

There's SOOO much stress when setting up a Kickstarter (for me anyway): getting quotes from printers and manufacturers, nitpicking every frame of the video, creating all the little (and big) graphics, and sorting out the prices and shipping costs for each reward tier.

All of which is in the hopes that there's an audience for the crazy thing you're doing. Just hoping to find your people.

I can't thank you enough.

We're closing in on the first stretch goal and I'll be sure to keep you up-to-date as the project goes forward.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

-- Steve

First stretch goal unlocked: a third art print!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 08:22:05 AM

We've unlocked the first stretch goal which means a third Art Print to everyone supporting at the $30-or-more level!

The next stretch goal is an original short comic story featuring Waddlebottom, The Lord of all Ducks. The story also involves The Department of Cosmological Chicanery and Metaphysical What-Have-You which was briefly mentioned by the wizard Melvwyn early in our story.

100 Episodes!

This week, The Middle Age celebrated its 100 episode with a special two-parter. As always, you can read the story for free at a Supporters on Patreon can read larger episodes here:

Thanks again to everyone who's been able to support this project either directly or by helping to spread the word. It means the world to me! <3

-- Steve

If you want to follow me on the interwebs, you can find me on:
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon

Second stretch goal unlocked: a new, orginal Waddlebottom adventure!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 08:22:03 AM

I'm thrilled to see that we've reached the second stretch goal which means I'll be writing and drawing a new, original, short comic story featuring Waddlebottom, The Lord of All Ducks!

Every backer at the "$30 or more: The Hardcover Book - and more!" level and above will receive a downloadable PDF edition of the story.

I've been overwhelmed by the kind support.

Extra thanks to the blogs and news sites who have helped spread the word including ComicsDC, Fleen - The Webcomics Blog About Webcomics, The Daily Cartoonist, and Fanbase Press!

And extra, extra thanks to the team at Kickstarter for selecting this campaign as a "Project We Love!"

<3 <3 <3

Thank you again for your support and kindness!

-- Steve